Saturday, January 31, 2009

Germs? Cat Hair? Oh, My!

So, here I sit on Friday night . . er . . Saturday morning - watching Monk on TV. I've seen it several times before, but never really paid much attention to it. (I'm one of those who almost always does something else while watching TV.)

Just watching that poor guy gives me the heebie jeebies. I'm just sayin', we all pretty much don't like germs and creepy crawlies too much. But poor old Monk is a full blown psych case! I guess it's good to see that there are other people out there who are worse off than I am!

I can just imagine him completely going nuts-o if he had a dog or cat! Think of it. One little cat hair would probably send him screaming into oblivion!

Only a few holidays for today . . . enjoy your Brussels Sprouts!

*Backwards Day - Are we supposed to walk backwards, or maybe just wear all our clothes backwards?
*Eat Brussels Sprouts Day - I know I'm weird . . . but I like Brussels Sprouts!
*Hell is freezing over Day - Nope, can't be yet. I haven't seen it accumulate snow in my front yard and that ain't gonna happen until hell freezes over!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I never saw a green one like that before!

As a mother, you learn to tune out certain things when kids are outside playing. AND you learn to be on alert when you hear certain phrases. One of my least favorite is, "Hey, y’all - watch this!"

Now that I’m an empty nester, that phrase doesn’t get my nerves on edge nearly as much as it used to. But, you can still pick it out of the yelling of 10 kids all playing in the yard half way down the block! And you sort of hold your breath for a minute, and maybe check out the window just to make sure everything is okay.

On some occasions the, "Hey, y’all - watch this!", is just the first sign of trouble. The second sign is when most of those 10 kids scatter throughout the neighborhood back to their own yards. The third sign is when you hear the ambulance or see the Mom and/or Dad loading one or more kids into the car and taking off in a hurry.

Usually within a few hours, you hear the car doors slam and all the kids start wandering back to see what happened - like they weren’t eye witnesses in the first place. Yep, they all confirm that the front wheel on Billy’s bike just couldn’t take that big jump they built in the front yard!

"Yeah, but did you see that cool cast he got on his arm! I never saw a green one like that before!"

Let’s all give our answering machines a hug today! Or have we ALL switched to voicemail and sold the old machine on eBay?

*Snagglepuss's Birthday - One of the HANNA-BARBERA (Yogi Bear) gang of great cartoon characters!
*Yodel for Your Neighbors Day - Gosh, where has the age-old art of yodeling gone?
*Franklin D. Roosevelt's Birthday (Born 1882) - One of my brothers has Franklin for a middle name because he was born on the same day that FDR died.
*National Inane Answering Machine Message Day - Get rid of that plain old "leave a message" message. Put something interesting, quick and funny on there! I have a friend who uses, "You have reached the IRS, leave your name and social security number if you would like a free personal audit!"

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Celebrate Your Corn Chips Today!

Here are our celebrations for today!
*Carnation Day - Don’t you just love their scent! Any color, any time - carnations are second only to the rose!
*National Puzzle Day - Sure, take a puzzle to work and spend the day doing it instead of your job! I bet your replacement won’t try that January 29, 2010!
*Free Thinkers Day - Let your mind go - think outside the box! Use your valuable freedoms to just let your brain run amok!
*Seeing Eye Guide Dog Birthday 1929 - A wonderful thing! Gives so much freedom to those who would otherwise be SO restricted.
*National Corn Chip Day - Long live the Frito Bandito! For those too young to know, the Frito Bandito was a Mexican-ish Bandit who (in the Frito commercials) would find sneaky ways to steal your Fritos! Someone complained that it made Mexican bandits look bad - so they pulled all the commercials from the air! I thought he was kind of cute!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hutton & Hutton & Daisies

About a zillion years ago (mid-70's) I used to watch a TV mystery, "Ellery Queen", with James Hutton playing the title role of the famous sleuth. I really enjoyed it and actually read the books after watching it on TV.

Then about ten years later I discovered his son, Timothy Hutton, in Turk 182. If you have seen this film (and remember it) I hope you share my opinion that it’s really good. One of those where pretty bad things happen to some really nice people, but the good guys win in the end. The critics hated it. What makes Turk 182 so enjoyable is getting there! The character just has a way that wins you over. He may be breaking the law and causing all kinds of havoc and you sit there cheering him on - almost wishing you could jump in and help! Some of the stunts he pulls to lure in the bad guys are just classics!

Now, on TNT, we have LEVERAGE - starring Timothy Hutton. I think I’ll put this one on my list of shows to watch all season! He’s a bad guy that does good! Not exactly Robin Hood - but he and his gang are fun to watch as they "out dirty" the bad guys! Give it a try. It may not be for everyone, but I really, really like the escape it gives me from the real world!

Okay, make a pop art daisy chain while you eat your blueberry pancakes. Then you and Ernie can take the bubble wrap off your kazoos and play us a tune!

*Daisy Day - I love daisies . . . they don’t smell particularly good, but they just look so happy and bright!
*Pop Art Day - Back "in the day" Pop Art was all the rage. Now, people collect it as antiques!
*National Blueberry Pancake Day - Just one more excuse to have breakfast for dinner! It’s too late to fix ‘em for this morning - so have them tonight!
*Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day - Don’t ya just love to make everyone around you NUTS by popping every possible little bubble on that piece of wrap!
*Sesame Street's Ernie's Birthday - Anybody from Sesame Street deserves a full-blown holiday - not just a little mention like this!
*National Kazoo Day - Get out your Kazoo and make the few sane people left from the bubble wrap incident run screaming from the building!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Technology really can be fun!

Have you seen those digital picture frames that have been in the stores for a while. While I will admit that there was a time when I would have rushed out to buy one immediately just because it was the latest ‘thing’, I no longer do that. I don’t even have an I-Pod (my, how I suffer)! They always seemed a little pricey for just a picture frame.

My son and his lovely Karen gave me an 8" Widescreen Digital Picture Frame for Christmas - - - absolutely LOADED with pictures of my wonderful grand kids and plenty of room for more!

This thing is great! Of course, being technically challenged, I had not plugged it in when my son called to see if I liked it. I told him I hadn’t read the instructions yet to see how to put the pictures in off of my computer. Then he said just to plug it in! A miracle! Right there, my own private slide show of my favorite folks!

So - if the opportunity presents itself and you haven’t already grabbed one off the shelf, go for it! These things are WONDERFUL!

What ya wanna celebrate?
*National Toilet Day / Thomas Crapper Day - There is some debate on whether Thomas Crapper really invented toilets (as we know them) . . . I don’t care who did it - I’m just really, really glad they did!
*Mad Tea Party Day - Alice in Wonderland is a great story and the Mad Tea Party was such a good time - couldn’t be done in this day and time without a police raid!
*Fun at Work Day - I’m sure there are jobs where this might apply - but right now, mine is not one of them . . . . used to be . . . may be again one day . . . not now! Bummer!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I am not totally jealous of MckMama, PC and Stellan being out there on the open seas.
I did not secretly wish that my step-daughter would quit calling about her pig butchering session last week.
When hubby made a pan of Hershey's double chocolate brownies last week, I did not nibble my way through half the pan in one evening! Not ME!
I didn't almost choke on my scrambled eggs this morning when I saw on the news that the infamous Illinois governor was considering Oprah for President Obama's empty Senate seat! He may be crazier than me! She'd be nuts to give up what she's got to go into government!
Here's our celebrations for today:
Television's Birthday - what would we do without good ol' TV?

Clashing Clothes Day - um - well, that's most days for me! I'm such a fashionista!

National Peanut Brittle Day - Better skip this one until they figure out the recent health scare!

Disneyland Founded (Groundbreaking in 1954) - I actually got to go to Disneyland during the first year it was open! Of course, I was only a wee babe at the time!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's National Opposite Day!!

A flu bug is kicking me in the head today - so you guys are gonna have to celebrate for me - back tomorrow with our regular "Not Me - Monday" . . .

National Opposite Day
A Room Of One's Own Day
National Compliment Day
101 Dalmatian's Birthday (1961)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have this step-daughter, Lori - who lives in Middle-Of-Nowhere, Georgia. She, her husband M, son Dub (11) and daughter Gee (5) have a little semi-farm. M owns an insurance/tax business to pay all the expenses for this little farming venture!

Not a day goes by that there isn’t some new adventure (could be interpreted as CRISIS)! On this chunk of land they are raising wild turkeys, several varieties of chickens, guinea hens, wild boar, domestic hogs, goats - both standards and pygmies and rabbits. Of course, there is the usual dog and uncountable cats!

Friday’s adventure (CRISIS) involves killing and dressing a hog for a "pig pickin" on Sunday. Lori and Dub will be the only characters directly involved. Gee will be ‘stupidvising’ from the sidelines and my hubby will be assisting by phone.

Keep in mind that Lori is a petite 5'2" (in heels) and might weigh 100. She’s tiny, but will get a job done when she sets her mind to it.

Phone call #1 - Daddy, how do I kill this pig? Just shoot it between the eyes, then cut its throat and use the wench to hang it from the tree limb. OK - bye!

Phone call #2 - Daddy, Dub shot it and cut its throat. Then we got it hanging okay. I think we want to scrape it instead of skinning it - what’s the easiest way to scrape it. (Gee in the background can be heard begging to help scrape.) Pour hot water all over it and just start to scrape. If it gets real cool and harder to work with, use more hot water. Ok - bye!

Phone call #3 - Daddy, we cut it open! I think I missed a step somewhere . . . I got pig poop all over the place. We went ahead and got everything out and washed it out really carefully! How do I NOT do that again? (I will not go into Daddy’s explanation of this - let’s just say he taught her preventive measures.) Well, it’s not like I’m gonna make chitlins’s (Southern for chitterlings) or anything. Bye!

Phone calls #4, 5 & 6 - All involve various stages of pig dismemberment - I did my best not to listen. At one point Gee had the garden limb cutters asking if she could help!

Phone call #7 - Surprise, this time it’s M - he’s on his way home from work and has just found out that his wife and children have been enjoying a evening of pig anatomy!

Phone call #8 - We have started answering the phone "Butcher’s Helper" - Daddy, we got SEVENTY POUNDS out of that pig! We didn’t even save all the fat and everything for sausage! I had no idea it was that heavy!

Ah! The leisure life on a gentleman’s farm!
UPDATE! Lori just called again . . . yep, one of the goats is giving birth! Right Now! She'll call us back with progress reports!

Get The Celebrating Going!

Just Do It Day - Don't hesitate, don't procrastinate - jump in there with both feet and JUST DO IT!

Eskimo Pie - I do LOVE an Eskimo Pie

National Speak Up and Succeed Day - Not sure I have the energy for this today, but if the opportunity presents itself, I'll JUST DO IT!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Days!

Measure Your Feet Day - Huh? I'm not sure I want to get that personal with my feet!
National Handwriting Day - That's probably everywhere except Flori-duh, where someone has suggested that we eliminate teaching cursive as a budget cutting measure.
Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Days - I think maybe this is a Northern sport!
Better Business Communication Day - Fridays are good for this . . . everyone is in a good mood on Friday.
Pie Day - This is eat a pie day. It is not throw a pie in someones face day.
Compliment Day -- say nice things to everyone you meet!
Spouse's Day - make this day special for your spouse.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dogs & Cats and the ways they love!

When you've been gone for 5 minutes or 15 hours, your dog will great you with barks, tail wagging sniffing and general air of well being. Love me, pat me, hold me - make sure I know you care! Let me check you out. You will be licked from top to toe, just to make sure everything is okay.

On the other hand, the cat - not caring if you,ve been gone 5 minutes or 6 months (as long as food and water were available) may or may not acknowledge that you have arrived. You may get a flick of the tail. And in extreme cases of excitement, you may be invited to actually touch the feline for a moment.

The dog is so thankful that you chose him to come live in this beautiful home with you and is eager to please you in any way he can. The cat will tolerate you and your family living in his house - but expects you to remember the boundries established early in your relationship. He is in charge of this estate and it is your goal in life to maintain his happiness at all times.

Let's Celebrate

Is it possible that we can take all of the celebrations for today and roll them into one? I think we can make that happen!

Still half asleep, you step out on the porch to get the morning paper. You come in from the cold and shuffle to the kitchen. A nice warm cup of coffee awaits with your blond brownie. Put on your best polka dot outfit and head down town to join the crowds happily sharing celebration of life day! Once you get back home, you then must answer all those questions from your cat about where you've been and why you left home before feeding him!

Celebration of Life Day
National Polka Dot Day
Come in from the cold Day
National Blond Brownie Day
Answer Your Cat's Question Day

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What's a BLOG??

This post is for Wednesday, January 21, 2009!

I've been reading various blogs for quite a while. Some are really silly. Some are just plain dumb. There are people who - when they get older - are going to look back and be amazed that they actually did that! Some are so filled with hate that you just hope that the author is getting daily medications!

But here's the plus side . . . and boy is it a HUGE plus! Do you have a problem? Need advice? Need prayers? All ya have to do is get in touch with someone who has a popular blog. Virtually overnight, these cyber warriors can 'muster the troops' and have prayers, advice and emotional support that you would never believe!

This is the best use of 'surfing the net' that I've ever seen! And it is used as a true network. If one blog says something about a big problem . . . another blog will pick it up, then another and so on until it's all over the world.

Are you really tired of reading nothing but gloom and doom in your daily newspaper? Is television news giving you nightmares? Well, just dig around in a few blogs and you are bound to find some great places to spend some time.

I love the fact that you can say what you feel - share it with the world - and it's all FREE. You can see what people all over the world have to say on most any subject - and it's all FREE.

If you don't follow any particular blog regularly - you're missing out! It's like having your own private soap opera - except everything is real! Yes, that couple DID have four kids and then adopt six more - and they have time to blog about it! More fun than watching most gunk on TV! You'll be driving home from work and wonder how little Susie did on her math test today . . . no, not your daughter - the one on Susie's Mama's Blog!

So - get yourself a blog - link up with a few others who have similar interests - and your off and running in the cyber soap opera world of good news, good deeds and some of the best reading I've done in years!

And then you can celebrate these special holidays today!!

Squirrel Appreciation Day - Make sure you get out there and appreciate a squirrel today! Any of these certainly look worthy of appreciation! You might kind of watch the one with the banjo. Looks like maybe he saw "Deliverance" too many times!

Women's Healthy Weight Day - At least today doesn't have any fattening food to appreciate like most days do! And what's up with the pallet scale? Okay, I'm a little chubby - but that's over-kill!
National Hugging Day - It's said that hugs can cure what ails ya! I don't know about that - but I do know that they sure do feel good!

Speaking of Karen!

Speaking of Karen, my daughter-in-law (in pink) . . . . yes, I was just speaking of her in yesterdays Not Me's.

What a gal!

If I had a daughter, I think I'd be really proud if she turned out just like Karen! Here's just a few reasons I love her . . . .

  1. She's smart - smart enough to keep just one step ahead of JB and the kids!
  2. She has a wicked sense of humor! And a quick wit! She can get ya with a comeback so fast you don't even know you've been hit!
  3. The house always looks great! She has that touch - I think it came from her Grandmother - with little effort and lots of energy she can make a room warm and inviting!
  4. She loves Larry!
  5. I love her taste in clothes - something I have no talent with at all!
  6. She's a terrific mother and a great mommy! That's hard to do. Both Pickle and MH have perfect manners - and use them almost always!
  7. JB loves her more than she'll ever know.
  8. I love her more than she'll ever know.
  9. She has brought religion into JB's life - which I neglected when he was a child.
  10. My grandchildren are being raised in the Church!
  11. She's a good sport. Will give almost anything a try . . . . unless it really, really looks dangerous!
  12. Little by little she is getting used to seeing things like JB and Pickle up on the roof of the shed. That didn't cause a full blown heart attack - only a mild case of the 'vapors'!
  13. When she knows someone is really in trouble, she will give up something she has been saving for - and help them out.
  14. She's a really great present picker-outer!
  15. She is beautiful - has that glow!
  16. She has that soft, swingy 'rich girl' hair that I would have killed for in my youth!

All that - and she's a great cook, too!

I could go on for hours - but I won't. These are just some things I don't think I've ever told her. And she knows me well. I could never say these things without crying like a baby. Yep, I'm the emotional one in the family!

Karen, when I say I have perfect grand kids - I MEAN IT. When I say I love you - I MEAN IT. When I say you and JB are great together - I MEAN IT.

Have a wonderful week - I miss you guys - give each other a hug for me!

The Other Momma

And the celebrations for today:

Cheese Day - Not just in Wisconsin, but throughout the country - make sure you chow down on some cheese today
Inauguration Day - It's a new year, new president and hopefully a completely new attitude. I know we all hope this will be a turning point toward better times!
National Buttercrunch Day - Oh, boy - something fattening with absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Join us for another episode of Not Me Monday! Compliments of

I absolutely did NOT get all weepy when I saw the picture on the right on my daughter's blog (okay, she's my daughter-in-law - but she's the closest thing to a daughter I'll ever have)! Saturday night was Daddy / Daughter Dance night at school and what man in his right mind could pass up a date with someone looking THAT good! Of course, my little boy, JB, is looking good, too!

While at the pet shop to buy Pig Earz for the ratters, I surely didn't fall completely in love with these two tiny, cute little kitties that were nothing but purr machines! Hubby was there and drug me out kittenless!

The date today is January 19, 2009, right? Well, I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT take down the last of the CHRISTmas decorations (including the tree) yesterday afternoon. Except for that sign that says, "Be Bad - Save Santa A Trip!" Okay, I'll probably leave up the wood carving of a sleepy Santa that says, "HoHo Hummmm", too!

I had to get up early one morning last week to meet with our CPA - working on the Corporate taxes! Yep, alarm went off, got dressed, grabbed my toaster pop-up and headed out the door - when I remembered . . . . . . the darned meeting was scheduled for the NEXT morning! Nope, that wasn't me. Honest, Boss, you can trust me with all your financial goings on!

Celebrate - Celebrate - Dance to the Music!

Hat Day - I wonder if this is plain old normal hat - or silly hats? Like a tall, black pointy one?
Tin Can Day - Patented in 1810, how could we live without tin cans? You could maybe put some kind of potion in one (do I see a theme developing?)
New Friends Day - Go out and make a new friend today. But, be careful. You don't want to be too aggressive and have folks think you're a stalker or something. If you should get arrested, email us and we'll come post your bail! You could make a potion to help attract friends if you're really un-likable!
Brew A Potion Day - DO NOT brew Love Potion #9 and then try to make a New Friend. I'm pretty sure that you will end up being arrested and it will take lots of us pooling our $$$$$ together to come up with enough to get you out on charges like that!
International Sing-Out Day - and don't be singing-out when you try out that potion!
Get to Know Your Customers Day - and don't use it on customers - business is bad enough without you experimenting on our loyal customers. Well, it might not hurt to try that one that none of us like - - you know who I mean!
National Penguin Awareness Day - No potion experiments on penguins, either. That's animal cruelty and will get you put UNDER the jailhouse - no bail - no trial - just your new BFF, Bubba, to 'show you the ropes'!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Come meet the gang! Well, I guess you can hardly call this little group a 'gang' even using the loosest of terms.

Here we have Christopher Robin, who the stories were written for, watching Owl come in for a landing. Next is Tigger with his bouncing tail - he's the only one, you know. And Eeyore - poor Eeyore - seems nothing ever works exactly right for him. Always has a rainy cloud in his vicinity.

Then is the perfect mother Kanga with her lovely daughter Roo. This is ever-so-pink Piglet who is so child-like in his innocence. And finally Winnie the Pooh - The specialist bear in the world (although Paddington is a very close 2nd.)! He has the most vivid imagination . . . just seems like so many ideas just - don't - quite - work - exactly - the - way - they - were - planned!

Yes, that wonderful icon of childhood - and all his friends! How can anyone NOT fall in love with them? I've always wanted to visit the 100 Acre Wood and have a spot of tea and honey with Christopher Robin and his associates!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pets, Pets, Pests?

I do LOVE pets. We currently have the two rat terriers and one adorable sugar glider. Everyone thinks that's quite enough. Everyone except ME! I read the classified ads every day to see what new critters are available 'round here.

Before we went to the grocery store today, we stopped in at the pet shop to see what's new and to pick up some pig ears for the hounds and fruit for Niblet.

I spent about 30 minutes wandering around looking at all the cute doggie clothes, clowning around with the ferrets and hugging the hamsters! I tickled bunnie ears and talked with lots of birds - I just wanted to tell them to pack up a pair of each of them for me to take home!

Then they really did it! Here comes the SPCA with puppies and kitties! Oh, no! Not puppies! And kitties! Even the ugliest of them are just sooooo danged cute! I could have hugged, petted and cuddled those little guys all afternoon!

One of these days I'm gonna get one of those little, tiny puppies that weighs 3 pounds full grown. She will have tons of silly shirts and hats to wear, too! And I want one of those 'munchkin' kittens. They have little bitty short legs - and are a little more compact than standard kitties. They call 'em "rug huggers"! Maybe I'll get one of those hairless ones, too! They always look so regal. Kind of like all the rest of us are here on earth for no other reason except to serve them!

Then we get home and Dixie and Rascal get all put out 'cause they smell all the puppy and kitten kisses! They moped around like they had lost their only friend on earth - - until I took a shower and changed clothes. Wow, what a difference. Now I'm their best friend again and they have decided it's okay to sit on the couch with me and pretend I'm one of the pack!

Before the shower I reached in Niblet's cage - he leaped onto my arm, ran up to my shoulder and starter searching . . . . 'where's my worm' . . . 'where's my pecan' . . . 'how about a walnut' . . . so I gave him a worm, he clicked his approval, ate the worm and jumped back into his cage and immediately went back to sleep!

Maybe I'll wait a little while before I bring home another pet!

Plenty of things to celebrate - or think about - today!

A Friend Picks You Up Day - Does this mean that your friend calls and tells you a joke, or that this friend actually drives over to your house, picks you up and takes you somewhere?
Shari Lewis' Birthday Born in 1934 - You've gotta be pretty old to remember Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse!
Cable Car Day (patented 1871) - Who had cable cars besides San Francisco?
Learn to Ski Day - I do hope this is intended for snow skiing . . . as bad as the weather has been lately, I think water skiing is pretty much out of the question for most of the country!
Hot and Spicy Food International Day - As I said yesterday, we have a controversy! Is it a massive conspiracy? How did Hot and Spicy Food manage to get two days in a row? Just how many calendar professionals had to be paid off? Should Cool and Mild Food be concerned?
Professional Boxers Day - aka be nice to people with broken noses day!
Ben Franklin's Birthday Born in 1706 - Just how did Mr. Franklin accomplish so many things way back when travel was so difficult, technology was non-existent, and there was no 'ground work' laid for him to start with? Absolutely amazing! Of course, if you do enough reading about him you will find that there we some folks who thought he was more than a little strange!
Popeye's Birthday (1929) - Speaking of strange?! Eat a can of spinach and the entire contents of the can goes straight to the arm he's going to hit someone with. Bluto? Does anger management come to mind? Olive, the girl friend - obviously has serious anorexia problems. Poor old Wimpy always wanting someone to buy him a burger - that he will pay for on Tuesday. And that little unfortunate baby - was it Schmoo? What was the deal with that poor thing? Boy, that whole group would never pass the politically correct test these days, would they?

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's Friday - and Other Reasons to Have Fun Today!!

National Nothing Day - I'm not sure what this is all about, but since it's nothing I'll just ignore it and it will go away!
National Religious Freedom Day - One of the most important days we have to celebrate! Thanks to all those who worked so hard before us to give us this freedom.
National Good Teen Day (Founded by an Ohio school teacher, this day has been approved by Congress.) - Seems that it is getting harder to find the good ones, but they are out there. The media makes sure we all know about the bad ones - we have to find the good ones on our own.
U.S. Prohibition Day - Just one more reason to enjoy another hot toddy!
National Fig Newton Day - I do like a fresh Fig Newton.
Hat Day (Third Friday in January.) - Let's all wear a silly hat today . . . bring a giggle to your fellow humans!
International Hot & Spicy Food Day - There is a little controversy here. Some celebrate this on the 16th and some on the 17th. I say (in the spirit of fairness) that we do both!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Three Reasons to Celebrate January 15!

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day - So get out there and find something to squeeze some juice out of!

Super Bowl Birthday (1967) - Or, as I like to call it, the great commercial premier day!

Krusty the Clown's Birthday (1989) - What better icon to build a celebration around?!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Not that I would ever brag about a grandchild of mine, BUT this blond one with the snake around his neck just made the Principal's Honor Roll for the umpteenth time! His parents have pledged $50 each time Pickle reaches that lofty goal - and they are officially going broke!
I must add that he sure cleans up very nicely, too!

Keep it up, Pickle! Grampaw and I are so proud of you!

Wordless Wednesday & More Reasons to Celebrate

I'm not sure if this is art - or if these people have WAY too much time on their hands! I might have to try that bread thing!

Let's Celebrate!
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days - Make sure your bald eagle knows you love him/her!
National Clean off your Desk Day - Just look at that mess! Clean it up before you go out to play!
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day - Can I have turkey instead?
National Dress Up Your Pet Day - I don't know about your pets, but my rat terriers and sugar glider HATE to play dress-up! They rip off anything that looks like clothes!

Monday, January 12, 2009

If It's Tourist Season, Why Can't We Shoot 'Em?

(This post is for Tuesday, January 13, 2009)

Sorry for that title, I just couldn't help myself! I live in a very tourist dependent area. Disney World and Universal are a one hour drive away. We are the closest beach to Orlando. We have Kennedy Space Center. We have world class fishing in our Mosquito Lagoon. And, let's not forget Ron Jon's!

So, we have tons of tourists. Yes, we appreciate that they keep our stores and restaurants busy. We're thrilled that our hotels and motels are usually pretty well booked.

But, why, oh why, do tourists leave their brains at home when they go on vacation?

Overheard at a local convenience store two hours before a space shuttle launch:
Tourist: I don't understand why they won't let us drive over near the launch pad. We just wanted to see it take off!

Store Clerk: Well, I think it's a security thing. And safety, too. Nobody is near the pad when they launch.

Tourist: I paid my taxes. I should be able to see it up close.

Store Clerk: You can order tickets to be at the Space Center for a launch. Or you can stand out in our parking lot and see a great view from here!

At that point, the tourist just walked out! The clerk wasn't being rude . . . it's true . . just about anywhere with a view to the north / northeast and you'll see the launch. All you miss is the first few seconds as it leaves the ground.

Hubby and I were surf fishing a couple of weeks ago. The Yankees were swimming up a storm! I saw several Portuguese Man 'O Wars in the water and walked over to warn the tourists. They said that they knew what those were but thanks anyway. Not ten minutes later, here they come screaming up the beach wanting to know how to call an ambulance! I explained that they could just drive out to the park gate and I was sure they could get help there. They got mad a ME for not being more helpful!

Celebrate Something Unique Today!!

Rubber Duckie's Birthday (Sesame Street Character.) - Frankly, I just love ALL rubber duckies! There's just something about those little duckies floating in the bath, the hot tub or the pool!

Make Your Dreams Come True Day - Okay, in just one day you may not make all your dreams come true - but you can sure get started on at least one of them!

Blame Somebody Else - Go ahead, screw up really bad. Today's the day for it. Here's your free pass to "Blame Somebody Else"!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Me Monday! . AND . Pharmacist Day!

I did not get this completely prepared on Sunday evening so that all I had to do was click 'publish' this morning to post it. I'm always bright and sunny first thing Monday mornings and eager to get cranking on whatever job lies ahead!

My little nap Saturday most certainly did not turn into a 3 1/2 hour sleep-fest with my warm, snuggly blanket!

While carrying in the groceries this week I did not trip over a really fat rat terrier and break a dozen eggs in the carport. That MUST have been someone else. I'm way too graceful to do anything like that!

And finally, as I was carefully weeding a flower bed - I really only pulled up weeds! I could not possibly have up-rooted all those volunteer marigolds sprouting under the window boxes! Nope, not me!


If you have nothing better to celebrate, try these . . . .

National Pharmacist Day - If you have as many prescriptions as hubby and I do, you truly appreciate your local pharmacist! We're on a first name basis and have exchanged CHRISTmas cards for years!
John Hancock's Birthday (National Handwriting Day) - I read recently in the paper that they are considering doing away with cursive writing in schools here in Florida! Pretty soon we'll have things so 'dumbed down' for them that the only thing they'll be able to read will be text messages and tattoos!
TV Day (1966) - Who could forget the old Batman TV series? If you ever get a chance to catch it on DVD or reruns, check it out . . . it's so awful, you'll laugh your hinnie off!


Today is:

International Thank You Day - Have you used all of your calligraphy skills and hand-written those socially required thank you notes for all the lovely Christmas presents you received? No? I guess these days it would be an email or text message!

Milk Day - Milk delivered in bottles for the first time in 1878 - Yep, delivered! Most people had an insulated metal box on the front porch. You leave an order form and $$$ (check or cash), the milk man would come up early in the morning, take the money, leave the milk, cream, eggs etc. Nobody ever thought about someone stealing either the money or the products!

Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day - Can't do that here today. We're having another drought! I guess I could stomp on the ground and stir up a little dust to get their flip-flop clad tootsies dirty!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting Old - - More Celebrations!

You know you're getting old when the highlight of your day is your appointment with the doctor! Hubby has higher blood pressure - I've lost 6 more pounds! Both of us still need to work on cholesterol (good and bad), I have a new pain pill and she added another pill for my anxiety attacks!

Getting old ain't for sissies!

Looks like the new pain pill is a winner! Made it all the way through the grocery store without being dizzy or groggy - and the pain is still at a minimum! Sure hope this keeps up!

On a much lighter note - - Just before the sun came up this morning I took our rat terriers out (they love to wake us up for EARLY walks). I opened the front door and they both took off like a streak! Even Dixie, the fat one!

There it was! The killer, attack neighborhood armadillo! I'm sure the dogs thought it had come here to kill us all! They barked, ran in circles, growled and generally acted as vicious as they could. Through all this doggie panic, the armadillo very patiently just meandered on through the yard to the fence, dug a small dent and went under into the next yard.

As soon as the deadly threat was gone, the dogs came to me with tongues hanging out acting like they had just saved the world! Yep, they were tuckered out and ready to get back to sleep!

Hmmmm - what can we celebrate on January 10?

10- Jeep Grand Cherokee Birthday (1992) - I guess I better get going on the cake for my Jeep's birthday party!

10- Peculiar People Day - What a great thing to celebrate. But - some of the peculiar people I know would actually be shocked to think that I find them to be peculiar! I wonder if others people think I'm peculiar? I've always considered myself to be a little eccentric - to which my Mom always stated that you had to be rich to be eccentric!

10- Where's the Beef Day (Anniversary of the first time Wendy's Restaurant's commercial aired in 1984 with Clara Peller asking "Where's The Beef?") - What a cute little old lady she was! We actually looked forward to her commercials!

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's FRIDAY! I've lived through another week! I've been working double duty for well over a month - and the other half of our office staff will be back Monday. Yeah! I can get back to doing my job. Oh boy - it's tax time!
I hope the following celebrations brighten your Friday evening!
See ya tomorrow!

9 - National Static Electricity Day - I can remember having hair like that after scooting across the floor in wool socks!

9- National Apricot Day - I had an aunt and uncle who lived in Beverly Hills and they had a huge apricot tree - we'd eat them until we were sick!

9- Aviation in America Day - Who better to represent Aviation in America Day than the Blue Angels? I've seen them perform several times and am still amazed at how they can do that!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Niblet - The Sugar Glider and More to Celebrate

The neat little guy seen here is Niblet. He is the sugar glider that owns me. A few folks have asked me to give a little info on my Niblet addiction - so here we go!

Sugar gliders are marsupials - just like kangaroos. After giving birth, the tiny babies make their way into mom's pouch and stay in there as they grow. They usually have two at a time. And the moms are really protective.

Sugar gliders get the sugar part of their name from some of the foods they eat. They are big on sweet fruits, berries, nuts, eucalyptus leaves, honey, bugs, worms and small rodents. Because they are so small, feeding them in captivity is a little hard. You have to be careful that whatever you give them isn't loaded with chemicals or doused with pesticides, etc. What you're trying for is food as natural as you can get. They are also very sensitive to light. Play time is at night . . . so be prepared to play in the evenings, in a dimly lit room. If you have bonded well with your little bugger you don't need to worry about him or her running off.

I've spent many evenings on the couch with Niblet running all over me. He climbs up the drapes, glides onto my shoulder or head - and then starts again. His little nails are like needles - so climbing up the faux brick wall in the living room is no problem at all. Once again, he glides down, always landing on or near me.

Here's where they get the glider part of their name! There is a flap of skin on each side that goes from ankle to wrist. When they leap from a tree, they spread out (just like a flying squirrel) and glide to the destination of choice!

As for personality - these little fuzz-butts are very affectionate. As a matter of fact, they are known to actually die of loneliness if not given constant attention. Unless you are prepared to spend several hours each day truly wearing a sugar glider on your body - do not get one for a pet. When they play, they are very cat-like, attacking feathers, etc. They love to snuggle inside your clothes - true little pocket pets!

I think one of the reasons you frequently see classified ads for sugar gliders with toys, food and cages are because new owners are finding out just how time consuming they really are. Between play-time, snuggle-time, fresh food preparation and cage cleaning . . . that is a pretty big chunk of time each day. Cage cleaning is necessary because so far, litter training hasn't been successful with sugar gliders. Which also means that, yes, they will also 'go' on you if they feel the urge!

Here are a few more pictures of some sugar gliders . . . . . . . The first picture gives you some idea of the size - this one is full grown! Next is another shot of one gliding. The third one looks like he's eating some type of berry (check out that long tail - used as a rudder when gliding). And finally dining on Niblet's favorite - WORMS!! Yes, they have fingers and thumbs and grasp their food or items they want to hold (like your hair).

These can really be great pets - but do your research first. Oh - another note - they are usually 'one-person' pets. Niblet will let me do just about anything with him, but my husband can't hold him without getting bitten!

More Strange Reasons to Celebrate!!

8- Bubble Bath Day - So indulge yourself! Go take a nice, long bubble bath!

8- Elvis Presley's Birthday Born in 1935 - He is STILL setting records even after being gone so long! Often imitated, never duplicated.

8- National English Toffee Day - Always with the fattening stuff!

8- National Show and Tell Day at Work - Oh, yeah, I can just see my boss if we tried a "Show and Tell Day at Work"!

8- Milk Carton Birthday (1929) - I'm surprised that milk cartons were invented that long ago!