Saturday, January 17, 2009

Plenty of things to celebrate - or think about - today!

A Friend Picks You Up Day - Does this mean that your friend calls and tells you a joke, or that this friend actually drives over to your house, picks you up and takes you somewhere?
Shari Lewis' Birthday Born in 1934 - You've gotta be pretty old to remember Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse!
Cable Car Day (patented 1871) - Who had cable cars besides San Francisco?
Learn to Ski Day - I do hope this is intended for snow skiing . . . as bad as the weather has been lately, I think water skiing is pretty much out of the question for most of the country!
Hot and Spicy Food International Day - As I said yesterday, we have a controversy! Is it a massive conspiracy? How did Hot and Spicy Food manage to get two days in a row? Just how many calendar professionals had to be paid off? Should Cool and Mild Food be concerned?
Professional Boxers Day - aka be nice to people with broken noses day!
Ben Franklin's Birthday Born in 1706 - Just how did Mr. Franklin accomplish so many things way back when travel was so difficult, technology was non-existent, and there was no 'ground work' laid for him to start with? Absolutely amazing! Of course, if you do enough reading about him you will find that there we some folks who thought he was more than a little strange!
Popeye's Birthday (1929) - Speaking of strange?! Eat a can of spinach and the entire contents of the can goes straight to the arm he's going to hit someone with. Bluto? Does anger management come to mind? Olive, the girl friend - obviously has serious anorexia problems. Poor old Wimpy always wanting someone to buy him a burger - that he will pay for on Tuesday. And that little unfortunate baby - was it Schmoo? What was the deal with that poor thing? Boy, that whole group would never pass the politically correct test these days, would they?

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