Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Technology really can be fun!

Have you seen those digital picture frames that have been in the stores for a while. While I will admit that there was a time when I would have rushed out to buy one immediately just because it was the latest ‘thing’, I no longer do that. I don’t even have an I-Pod (my, how I suffer)! They always seemed a little pricey for just a picture frame.

My son and his lovely Karen gave me an 8" Widescreen Digital Picture Frame for Christmas - - - absolutely LOADED with pictures of my wonderful grand kids and plenty of room for more!

This thing is great! Of course, being technically challenged, I had not plugged it in when my son called to see if I liked it. I told him I hadn’t read the instructions yet to see how to put the pictures in off of my computer. Then he said just to plug it in! A miracle! Right there, my own private slide show of my favorite folks!

So - if the opportunity presents itself and you haven’t already grabbed one off the shelf, go for it! These things are WONDERFUL!

What ya wanna celebrate?
*National Toilet Day / Thomas Crapper Day - There is some debate on whether Thomas Crapper really invented toilets (as we know them) . . . I don’t care who did it - I’m just really, really glad they did!
*Mad Tea Party Day - Alice in Wonderland is a great story and the Mad Tea Party was such a good time - couldn’t be done in this day and time without a police raid!
*Fun at Work Day - I’m sure there are jobs where this might apply - but right now, mine is not one of them . . . . used to be . . . may be again one day . . . not now! Bummer!

1 comment:

I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!