Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Me Monday! . AND . Pharmacist Day!

I did not get this completely prepared on Sunday evening so that all I had to do was click 'publish' this morning to post it. I'm always bright and sunny first thing Monday mornings and eager to get cranking on whatever job lies ahead!

My little nap Saturday most certainly did not turn into a 3 1/2 hour sleep-fest with my warm, snuggly blanket!

While carrying in the groceries this week I did not trip over a really fat rat terrier and break a dozen eggs in the carport. That MUST have been someone else. I'm way too graceful to do anything like that!

And finally, as I was carefully weeding a flower bed - I really only pulled up weeds! I could not possibly have up-rooted all those volunteer marigolds sprouting under the window boxes! Nope, not me!


If you have nothing better to celebrate, try these . . . .

National Pharmacist Day - If you have as many prescriptions as hubby and I do, you truly appreciate your local pharmacist! We're on a first name basis and have exchanged CHRISTmas cards for years!
John Hancock's Birthday (National Handwriting Day) - I read recently in the paper that they are considering doing away with cursive writing in schools here in Florida! Pretty soon we'll have things so 'dumbed down' for them that the only thing they'll be able to read will be text messages and tattoos!
TV Day (1966) - Who could forget the old Batman TV series? If you ever get a chance to catch it on DVD or reruns, check it out . . . it's so awful, you'll laugh your hinnie off!


  1. Are you serious about the cursive writing? That sounds like laziness to me. Unreal.

    And Saturday afternoon naps rule!

  2. I love my pharmacist and he knows me better than me :-)


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!