Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hutton & Hutton & Daisies

About a zillion years ago (mid-70's) I used to watch a TV mystery, "Ellery Queen", with James Hutton playing the title role of the famous sleuth. I really enjoyed it and actually read the books after watching it on TV.

Then about ten years later I discovered his son, Timothy Hutton, in Turk 182. If you have seen this film (and remember it) I hope you share my opinion that it’s really good. One of those where pretty bad things happen to some really nice people, but the good guys win in the end. The critics hated it. What makes Turk 182 so enjoyable is getting there! The character just has a way that wins you over. He may be breaking the law and causing all kinds of havoc and you sit there cheering him on - almost wishing you could jump in and help! Some of the stunts he pulls to lure in the bad guys are just classics!

Now, on TNT, we have LEVERAGE - starring Timothy Hutton. I think I’ll put this one on my list of shows to watch all season! He’s a bad guy that does good! Not exactly Robin Hood - but he and his gang are fun to watch as they "out dirty" the bad guys! Give it a try. It may not be for everyone, but I really, really like the escape it gives me from the real world!

Okay, make a pop art daisy chain while you eat your blueberry pancakes. Then you and Ernie can take the bubble wrap off your kazoos and play us a tune!

*Daisy Day - I love daisies . . . they don’t smell particularly good, but they just look so happy and bright!
*Pop Art Day - Back "in the day" Pop Art was all the rage. Now, people collect it as antiques!
*National Blueberry Pancake Day - Just one more excuse to have breakfast for dinner! It’s too late to fix ‘em for this morning - so have them tonight!
*Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day - Don’t ya just love to make everyone around you NUTS by popping every possible little bubble on that piece of wrap!
*Sesame Street's Ernie's Birthday - Anybody from Sesame Street deserves a full-blown holiday - not just a little mention like this!
*National Kazoo Day - Get out your Kazoo and make the few sane people left from the bubble wrap incident run screaming from the building!

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