Monday, January 12, 2009

If It's Tourist Season, Why Can't We Shoot 'Em?

(This post is for Tuesday, January 13, 2009)

Sorry for that title, I just couldn't help myself! I live in a very tourist dependent area. Disney World and Universal are a one hour drive away. We are the closest beach to Orlando. We have Kennedy Space Center. We have world class fishing in our Mosquito Lagoon. And, let's not forget Ron Jon's!

So, we have tons of tourists. Yes, we appreciate that they keep our stores and restaurants busy. We're thrilled that our hotels and motels are usually pretty well booked.

But, why, oh why, do tourists leave their brains at home when they go on vacation?

Overheard at a local convenience store two hours before a space shuttle launch:
Tourist: I don't understand why they won't let us drive over near the launch pad. We just wanted to see it take off!

Store Clerk: Well, I think it's a security thing. And safety, too. Nobody is near the pad when they launch.

Tourist: I paid my taxes. I should be able to see it up close.

Store Clerk: You can order tickets to be at the Space Center for a launch. Or you can stand out in our parking lot and see a great view from here!

At that point, the tourist just walked out! The clerk wasn't being rude . . . it's true . . just about anywhere with a view to the north / northeast and you'll see the launch. All you miss is the first few seconds as it leaves the ground.

Hubby and I were surf fishing a couple of weeks ago. The Yankees were swimming up a storm! I saw several Portuguese Man 'O Wars in the water and walked over to warn the tourists. They said that they knew what those were but thanks anyway. Not ten minutes later, here they come screaming up the beach wanting to know how to call an ambulance! I explained that they could just drive out to the park gate and I was sure they could get help there. They got mad a ME for not being more helpful!

Celebrate Something Unique Today!!

Rubber Duckie's Birthday (Sesame Street Character.) - Frankly, I just love ALL rubber duckies! There's just something about those little duckies floating in the bath, the hot tub or the pool!

Make Your Dreams Come True Day - Okay, in just one day you may not make all your dreams come true - but you can sure get started on at least one of them!

Blame Somebody Else - Go ahead, screw up really bad. Today's the day for it. Here's your free pass to "Blame Somebody Else"!

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