Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Sunday evening someone in this house did not make a valiant attempt at making caramel corn. That same someone did not slightly over cook the first popper full of popcorn. Okay, she did not completely BURN the first popper full of popcorn! No way that could happen in this house!
It couldn't possibly be me who has been clipping coupons like a crazy person for weeks - and keeps forgetting to take them with me to the grocery store. There is no way I could possibly do something that stoopid three weeks in a row!
I DO NOT have a black thumb. Plants love me. That's why I could not possibly have a very badly sunburned plant in my front yard right now! Yes, this afternoon it will be moved back where it came from. Karen and JB sent me this big, beautiful tropical plant last year. It has been sitting in its pot by the screened in pool all this time - thriving! Doing so well that the roots were coming out the top of the pot. Tropical plants grow everywhere here in Florida - or should I say Flori-DUH! Instead of just getting a bigger pot I decided to just plant it. Well, the darned thing does not like sun! My neighbor (who talks to plants I think) says this particular plant is sunburned - and will die a slow and painful death unless it is returned to the shade immediately. I do not want to be responsible for the death of that plant and will be moving it, as stated, this afternoon! Please do not report me to the plant police!
Your turn .. .. .. what didn't you do?
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  1. great not me monday I didn't relise that plants could get sunburn

  2. I was NOT so excited this week to actually find more than one coupon for stuff I actually buy! I did NOT have the coupons in my purse and pull them out as I put the item in my cart. I did NOT get home from the store and find the coupons still in my purse! UGH!!!


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!