Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

UPDATE!! They are in CRISIS mode over at - - Stellan was taken to the hospital last night with breathing problems, which pretty quickly turned into heart problems! MckMama is at Childrens Hospital with Stellan and PC is home with the other MSC. There have been a lot of attempts to get his heart under control with no success so far .. .. .. get the prayers going!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not buy one of those really, really big GIANT Hershey bars and eat the entire thing, all by myself in only 48 hours. That would be just awful. That would break every possible health and diet rule known to mankind. I couldn't possibly have done that!
The Attack Rat Terriers did NOT just come flying out of the bedroom at about 100mph, barking like mad, fur on their backs standing straight up! Both of them pawing at the back door to get out. I DID NOT have flashbacks to earlier this year of Dub in his boxers and a cat in the pool! Against my better judgement I let them out! Thankfully, it was a false alarm! There really wasn't a madman out in the yard waiting to kill us all!
We have been on water restrictions here because of the drought conditions. It's spring. Every vehicle within 500 miles is yellow from the pine pollen. SO .. .. .. when it started sprinkling this afternoon, it was not Dub and I who rushed outside and pulled the Jeep out of the carport so it could get a bath! It was someone else that our neighbors saw doing that. We wouldn't be that silly, would we??
I have not become thoroughly enthralled with little Jonah Williams and all his ups and downs since his birth. His blog is . Or - you can check my sidebar and just click on his box. He sure seems to be one determined little fighter! He has EB and the doctors are still trying to figure out just what degree of the condition he has and how to best treat him. If you have a spare minute, prayers are always welcome!
Got any fun things you haven't done lately?????
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1 comment:

  1. yah I mean I could NEVER eat an entire bag of family sized reeses easter eggs. NEVER!


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!