Monday, March 30, 2009

Not Me! Monday! is on Hold - This is Just Another Monday!

**How long do we have to be retired before people figure out that to us that means stop calling us at 7:15am just to chat? We're always awake at 7:15pm, why not call us then?

**Every time we and/or the dogs go in our front yard, the large pit bull across the street runs up and down his fence line barking. He doesn't stop until we are completely out of sight. He is a beautiful dog but he is HUGE and I think my head would fit in his mouth. And he barks really loudly! "Tech" got out of his yard last week and it took his owner 30 minutes to catch him. I look out the window now to see where he is before I go in the front yard!

**Here in Florida we are required to have one license plate on the back of our vehicles. Why do some people go get that single license plate and then say, "I have to put them on my car." It's the same with a driver's license - it is a single item, but is referred to as them on a regular basis. I'm not the grammar police, but this just drives me crazy.

**DANGER, BE ON THE ALERT, DANGER** The latest news reports are again calling for a new huge computer virus to hit APRIL 1, 2009! Why is it that these computer meanies pick on April Fools Day to hit us with a virus every year? I'm gonna do a complete fresh back-up tonight just in case.

**It's a sunny day here - I think I will go do some laundry and actually hang outside to flap in the breeze! I just love fresh sheets that have dried in the sun!


  1. hope you enjoyed the sun and the pit bull kept your head out of his mouth!

  2. Pit bulls scare me to death! Hope you enjoyed your sunny day!


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!