Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

~~One of our wandering neighborhood cats did not somehow get into our screened-in pool area in the middle of the night Wednesday. And said cat did not alert our two killer attack rat terriers who very vocally told us they needed to go outside. We didn't open the back door as usual - start to head for the screen door when all H*LL broke loose. NO - not two dogs, one cat and Dub (in his Bart boxers wielding a broom) all NOT running around the pool - and me NOT propping all the outside doors open hoping the cat would run outside! The cat did not end up leaping into the pool twice - as I was NOT trying to get the dogs into the house! At one point this cat was not actually hanging upside-down from the ceiling of the screen enclosure! Oh, yeah - just another relaxing 30 minutes here in paradise!

~~I used Dub's truck Friday to help a friend get ready for her yard sale. As I was leaving he said, "Don't be getting any scratches or dings on my fine truck!" We're talking about a 1985 Isuzu here folks! In lots of places only the paint is what's holding it together! It used to be silver but is now a lovely rust color with touches of grey here and there! It has OVER 220,000 miles on it. But it runs well and is darned dependable. As I leave my friends house, we both DID NOT notice at the same time a sheet metal screw completely embedded in the right front tire! I certainly DID NOT have to go home and tell Dub I broke his truck! Well, at least it was a slow leak and I really didn't have to change the tire - and he was able to plug it instead of buying a new tire!

~~I didn't take full advantage of my health insurance last week - with full knowledge that on March 1 I would no longer have coverage. I certainly didn't go get a check-up with my sweet doctor - and then did NOT call the pharmacy and ask them to please give me a refill on every prescription they possibly could! I would never try to take advantage of that poor insurance company like that.

~~It couldn't have been me who got sooooo excited when my Powerball ticket actually won a big $3.00 last week! I'd hate to see what might happen if I actually won a bunch of $$$$$!

On a much more serious note, please check out the Praying for Jonah site (see left sidebar). This family lost newborn Gabe last year and are now fighting to save days old Jonah. They need all the prayers and good thoughts they can get!

Comments - I love comments!! What haven't you done??


  1. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall Wednesday night!

  2. So funny about the cat! What a great story. Loved your not me's! love and blessings from ga~ erin

  3. Ok, I'm coming to give you major props on your "poetic comment" you left on my most recent post! I am very impressed!
    You'll find out the answer soon!! ;)


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!