Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
**I absolutely did not sit up until 3:00 this morning just so I could finish a book I was reading! I just couldn't have been that absorbed in it and not even realised that it was that dang late (or early)!
**Wednesday I heard the mail delivery truck coming and decided to walk out and get the mail. Rascal, our shy (I thought) rat terrier came with me. He did NOT jump right up into her little mail truck wagging his entire rear half . . . drool dripping from his jaws! No, he's much better trained than that. And our mail 'chick' did not reach into her box of Milk Bones and reward him for it! Dixie and Rascal were both taught very early not to take food from strangers! How do we fix it now?
**A couple of weeks ago Dub had to have a pretty big chunk of his left ear cut out (cancer) and they used about a zillion stitches - and even had to do a skin graft. Tuesday we had to go have it checked to make sure everything was healing properly. We didn't drive all the way to the doctor's office (45 minute drive) to be told that we were supposed to be at his smaller office which is only about a 20 minute drive from us! Oh, no - we wouldn't do something that dumb!
So, please leave me your comment - what didn't you do?!


  1. I'm noticing it is a lot easier to stay up late when doing fun things like reading books or blogs; when it comes to cleaning, I'm always ready to turn in early ;-)
    BTW nice upside down dogs!

  2. Too funny about the mail truck and your dog.

  3. My little dog does the same thing to any truck, including the UPS truck.

  4. Oh, I didn't do anything silly or dumb this week. Not me!

    Enjoyed your NMM's. =0)

    Happy Monday!


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!