Saturday, March 21, 2009

Circle the Wagons! The Idiots Are Coming!

Yep, that's right. The Idiots are coming. Of course in a lot of cases they are already here and have been for a long time. But now I think we're getting a whole new breed!

I made a quick stop at our local convenience store the other afternoon. There stands Joe Tourist discussing the shuttle launch that is happening that very evening. Mr. Tourist is very upset because those jerks on guard at Kennedy Space Center wouldn't let him on the property to watch the launch. He's got his huge land yacht in the parking lot with mom, kids, dogs, cousins, etc. and the guards won't let him in! He's a tax payer! He should be allowed to go as close as he wants! At this point, I look at the clerk, the clerk looks at me .. .. .. and we were both obviously thinking exactly the same thought. "Yes, park right next to the launch pad. Within 3 seconds of lift-off all traces of you, the land yacht and your family will just be a sad memory!" It took all the strength I could muster not to just burst out in uncontrollable laughter. Idiot!

We have a new neighbor. They have a beautiful dog. He is black and white. He is a really big pit bull. And he barks. A lot. He never stops. Well, almost never. He does stop to eat and drink. Then he barks some more. Animal Control has come to visit a couple of times. They have written 2 tickets to the owners. The owners pay the tickets. The dog still barks. Idiots!

The family that lives next door to the barking pit bull has a beautiful collie. The collie used to bark. A lot. They finally broke him of that awful barking habit about 6 months ago. Guess who is learning how to bark again! Idiot!

Time for Presidential sensitivity training. President Obama went on Jay Leno's show and made a comment about how his bowling skills compare to those of someone in the Special Olympics. Idiot! This is NOT a political statement on my part - it is an idiot statement!

The CPA who handles taxes for my former employer (the job I retired from over a month ago) called me a couple of weeks ago (on my cell). He wanted to know if I was going to pick up the corporate tax return and check it over before I delivered it to 'the boss'. I explained (for the third time) that I am retired, I don't work there any more and that he should call 'the boss' and see if they want to pick it up or what! Idiot!

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