Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I really had to give the subject some thought this week. Not because I don't have any Not Me's .. .. .. .. but because I may not have very many that I want to actually publish! Okay, here goes.

**Dub washed and waxed our SUV the other day. He did a beautiful job, as always .. .. .. when he asked me to come out and check to make sure I approved, I DID NOT immediately walk over, take the hem of my t-shirt and polish a little spot on the front fender - while saying, "WE did a great job, don't ya think!" Hey, I was baking a cake at the time and had the batter on my shirt to prove it! (Never mind that the batter got there when I was licking the bowl.) Anyway, polishing 2 square inches was HARD work!

**I did not take a three hour nap yesterday and then go to bed at 10pm! No, JB & Karen, I'm not sick - just really, really tired from polishing that fender, I guess!

**Since it was so beautiful and sunny out this afternoon, I refrained from going out and spraying down everything in the yard with Miracle Grow without checking what the weatherman had planned. It DID NOT pour down rain shortly after I finished!

**Oh - and just before I did my Miracle Grow fiasco, I had NOT hung a bunch of doggie and sugar glider blankets out on the line to dry in the fresh breeze. And I did NOT have to bring them all inside and run them through the dryer anyway, dammit!

That's enough! I'll leave the comments open for you - Would love to see some comments on what you didn't do!


  1. Yes, polishing that portion is EXHAUSTING!!! :) I can understand why you needed a nap.

  2. The weathermen are never right anyways... if you want it to rain, just wash your car or leave something outside that you are trying to dry!

  3. Those are great Not Me's! I agree, polishing IS a lot of work. Never fails huh? You made more work for yourself...oh well, live and learn. thanks for sharing!

    Please check out my Not Me Monday


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!