Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not Me Monday! - February 9, 2009 Edition

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

**This dedicated, hard working career woman DID NOT walk out of work Wednesday evening, telling the boss - I quit! Yikes!

**And I have not decided that I am officially retired! That’s it! I’m done! Not me!

**Nobody in this house is still getting a pretty good chuckle out of the picture over at mycharmingkids showing MckMama’s diapering skills on poor little Small Fry. We’re gonna have to teach her the finer skills of 200mph tape! (That’s duct tape to you Yankees out there!)

**I did not neglect my yard so far this winter. It is a beautiful, landscaped pride of the neighborhood. That’s why I couldn’t have possibly filled two big garbage cans with the weeds I pulled out of two flower beds Thursday and Friday (you know, since I didn’t have to work)!

**And I do not have to cut this short - since I hear a hot tub and a good book calling my name! Wow, I smile every time I think about it! Of course, my retirement isn’t going to cause us to find new inventive ways to cut the budget - MORE!


  1. Ahhhh, a hot tub and a good book...happy retirement.

  2. Congrats on your retirement. Hope your health is restored as quickly as your flower beds :) Enjoy your time and have a great week.

  3. Glad you are out of the work force, hope this means you can visit more often!

  4. Hot tubs and good books - I think that might even trump chocolate.

  5. I would love to say "I quit!" Seriously, I fantasize about. Jaccuzzi hot tub...jealous.


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!