Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Good Deed!

I've seen it all now!

I don't know about where you live, but around here most of the pre-teens and teenagers are a little on the rough side. Some are a LOT on the rough side. You don't often see many of the "good" kids out wandering the neighborhood. They are at one function or another - or studying - or home being ideal children.

This afternoon one of our elderly neighbors was trying to get a couch out his door by himself. Two of the rougher teenagers were walking past and noticed his struggle. They jogged up to the door, one climbed over the couch, they picked it up, angled it perfectly and got it onto the porch in no time. After a little discussion, the boys then carried it out to the gentleman's pickup truck, loaded it and tied it down very well.

When our neighbor pulled out his wallet and offered to pay the boys they both refused any payment, shook the man's hand and waved as they walked on down the street.

It took everything I had not to walk over and congratulate them for doing such a good deed - but was afraid if I made a big deal out of it, they might never do anything that nice again. So, when they passed my house, I just smiled and waved. And for the first time ever, they smiled and waved back!


  1. What a lovely story. Must have been something nice to see.


  2. I love witnessing nice things like that.

  3. what a great story!
    i heard a rumor that children our are future somewhere :)
    have a great weekend


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!