Monday, February 2, 2009


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I absolutely did not just stand and watch as our two rat terriers decided they were going to dig a hole to China or die trying! It started with Dixie just kind of snooping around in this sandy patch next to the tomato plants - - then Rascal started sniffing - - then they moved a little sand around - - then it was a full-tilt dig, dig, dig! I just didn't have the heart to stop them cause they were obviously having such a great time!

And Dub didn't grab them as soon as they even thought about coming in the house . . . carried each to MY bath tub and gave them both complete head to little stubby tail shampoos!

And then he DIDN'T turn TWO really wet rat terriers loose in the house - yelling at me to dry them off!! Oh, no - none of that could happen here!

While reading Not Me's from someone who shall remain nameless (MckMama), I didn't almost choke at her fabulous diapering skills! Poor little Small Fry looks like she might just be a little over-padded!

That's it for me - - what didn't you do???


  1. Dogs are so hilarious after baths. I know mine act crazy. Happy Monday.

  2. My dog acts like a lunatic after bathes. Too funny.


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!