Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We have just narrowly missed a crisis! A storm just came through our neighborhood - and I'm sure that the weather experts will do their studies to decide - but I saw it myself - - we have had a tornado!

There are at least 5 homes within three blocks of us that are really seriously damaged - - no roof, no carport, no screened porches or pool enclosures, walls down. There's siding and insulation in the trees and all over the ground. I can't count the homes with miscellaneous minor damage.


Our only damage is in the yard and to the pool enclosure. I can sure live with that after seeing the rest of the area!

I went to help a near neighbor - Sweet, young, single mother of three. She was at work - kids were all at school. We could see from our house that her roof was gone. Dub and I walked over - her next door neighbor called her at work and told her how bad it was.

This mom works for Western Waste - yep, she drives a garbage truck! And makes a darned good living doing it. It took her about 30 minutes to get home - - and her mother got there about the same time. We all just kept repeating, "It's only a house."

Here's the greatest part! About 15 minutes later, her boss shows up. He walked around outside the house . . . . walked through inside. He then started making phone calls. Once he got off the phone he helped move everything out of the children's bedrooms; they were the worst off.

Less than an hour later, here comes a crew of guys from Western Waste with plywood, tarps, tools, ladders, etc. As I am typing this, they're over there doing what they can to get coverage over her home before the next wave of rain comes through!

Oh - a few of them even went next door to help the widow over there with a tiny bit of damage she had!

Kinda renews your faith in mankind, doesn't it!


  1. sure does!
    glad you and yours are safe!

  2. Hi. I found you from a comment on little April Roses mammas blog. You have an interesting blog of random thoughts :) It's great to see good deeds isn't it. Well now you know.... you're not talking to yourself :)

  3. I am going to highlight your blog on my weekly blog. Thanks, this is a great story. Check out my Tiny Task Tuesday. Thank you for your service. She appreciates it, I am sure.


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!