Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It was not me who got this great recipe off of Pioneer Woman - and did NOT make this really easy apple/puff pastry dessert yummy goody last night.
And Dub and I are certainly not the ones who have eaten almost every last crumb of that apple/puff pastry dessert already!
It is NOT almost noon - and I am for sure not still in my nightie! I'm sure that I must have gotten up bright eyed and bushy tailed - showered and dressed for the day - bright and early! SURE I DID!!
During a thunderstorm last week, Dixie did not get so frightened that she abandoned her usual hiding place (under the toilet) - and crawled under our bed! I did NOT have to hold up the end of the bed while Dub pulled her out when we finally found her. She did not get stuck so tightly that she couldn't get her big, fat self back out from under that bed! Bless her little heart!
So - is there anything that you didn't do??


  1. The dessert sounds yummy. I love dessert and probably would have finished the whole thing on my own. And I never get up early. I wait until the last possible minute when my kids are yelling for me. I'm always tired too, usually from late night blogging

  2. I totally did not answer most of the trivia questions wrong tonight.
    really I didn't
    (you can stop laughing now!)

  3. Ha ha! I do the same thing with my jammies, until my neighbors caught me at three in the afternoon!


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!