Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not wish horrible, terrible, awful things to happen to one of my across the street neighbors this weekend. Never did. Never would. He did NOT park a full tractor-trailer across the street from our house on Friday evening and leave it there until 3 o'clock this morning! About every 30 minutes, the generator did NOT kick on to run the reefer and keep his load cold.

Therefore, while trying to enjoy cooking ribs on the grill we WEREN'T surrounded by the wonder odor of diesel exhaust! And while trying to enjoy splashing in the pool we were not choking on the same diesel exhaust fumes!

And we didn't have to finally move inside to enjoy our watermelon! How can you have a watermelon seed spitting contest inside??!!

It is NOT 11am. I am NOT still in my jammies. I am NOT sitting in the nice, cool A/C while Dub is outside mowing the lawn! And I do NOT intend to change any of those items any time soon . . . . well, okay - I AM going to go shower and get dressed.

Happy Monday!!


  1. Love the jammies at 11 am. I do the same thing!

  2. Wow that tractor thing sounds annoying. I did not stay in my pajamas all day yesterday. Gotta love the jammies :)


  3. I wish I did not go to work today after golfing three days straight.
    Alas for me this not me Monday did not work out the way I planned!

  4. Ok, you are for sure Maddie's grandmother, she begged me today to leave her PJ's on all day!

  5. Oh my, your posts are hilarious! I can identify with so much of what you write since I am almost 55 myself and in early retirement! Thanks for making my day.


I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!