Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stellan Needs Prayers Again!

Last night Stellan went back into SVT. Jennifer and PC couldn't stop it - the doctor said to get him to the hospital.
He's in the PICU - they intubated him for the first time ever - his kidney's aren't functioning well again - and everyone says this is the worst bout he's ever had.
He did finally come out of SVT, but things are still not right. They could all use some love and lots of prayers.
If you have the time, I know Jennifer would love to hear from anyone with some support. The hours do drag on when you're sitting in the hospital staring at a sick baby! Go to and give her something to keep her mind busy.
I know she'll appreciate it!!

1 comment:

I love your comments - it's how I know I'm not talking to myself ALL the time!